Sunday, December 18, 2016

Being Politically Correct, or, Are Pumpkins Next To Be Banned?

Did you watch the video? Anybody have a stroke? Anybody fall over dead? Anybody wounded or hurt? Anybody offended? What kid didn’t grow up in the ‘60s. and later, watching Charlie Brown. Peanuts. Or reading the comic in the daily newspaper...and the color comic on Sunday? A fun read from a simpler, more innocent time. Light entertainment that often included a serious message. Or some kind of message that had bearing on the day.

Who knew that in the year 2016, Charlie Brown would be banned from public schools? If you grew up in the ‘50s, ‘60s or ‘70s, who knew that people would be offended because someone said, “Merry Christmas?” Or talked about something they believed in? 

Maybe it’s time we shut down our mainstream media that no longer is about reporting news, but more about causing division and problems. Maybe we just ignore ignorant wannabe journalists who only stir the pot, and just, as neighbors, get along. Maybe we vote out politicians who are too busy focusing on their own agendas rather than serving their constituents. Maybe we just stop being offended by differences and know that we are all just a little bit different. You know, pixelated!
Just remember. Cinco de Mayo has been on the calendar as long as I can remember. And I don’t hear anyone complaining about Taco Tuesday. The citizens of this country have come from all around the world. We are gonna be a bit different. Schools have been having Christmas plays for decades. So far as I know, nobody has died. Okay, maybe it’s time to expand the horizons a bit and have other seasonal plays or dramas, or whatever they would be called. But banning Linus? That’s un-American. Which, it seems, it what a lot of our politicians are about these days, Un-America-izing America. Telling us we don’t need to be “Americans”, we just need to be people. We don’t need to fly our flag. Or honor the National Anthem. Well, I don’t get it. People came here to live “The American Dream”. I was always told I would grow up to live “The American Dream”. There must be something great about it, or others wouldn’t flock here. Seems lately the “Dream” is more about welfare and EBT cards. And being offended. And suing someone who doesn’t want to bake a cake. And hating those who don’t share all of the same ideas as you do. And being more centered around “me”. 

The country I live in today is not the country I grew up in. Some would say that things are better. I don’t see it. Record numbers of people are on welfare and food stamps. The nuclear family has imploded and is barely hanging on. What if we went back in time to a place where almost all business were closed on Sunday? What if neighbors knew their neighbors? There was no internet or smart phones or electronic devices? What if people actually talked with each other? All of this progress and technology? I’m not so sure it’s a good thing. Texting is ruining the English language. And kids today don’t learn to write in cursive. Technology is turning us into a world of strangers. But one good thing about it. If your local school bans The Christmas Story, you can still find Linus on Youtube. Or maybe we will just wind up with this...

Oh...and Merry Christmas!!!

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